bots occupy client slots in the same order as they are added.This actually does happen, but it only accounts for a 1% to 2% accuracy change between the first and last bots. Also, this value increases as bot accuracy increases, since it's more likely that two bots will be lined up for a good shot at the same time.
in the very rare cases of two clients killing a third one simultaneously, it is allways the one with the lower slot id that gets the frag, becuase his usercommands are processed first. the other one gets a missed shot.
The real culprit was the mechanism through which the server processes client commands. The server processes each human player's inputs as soon as it receives them (as fast as 3 milliseconds for a human), but the inputs for bots are processed exactly once every 50 milliseconds. In turn, each bot handles its attacks and then moves. Then the next bot is processed, and they do this in the order they were added to the game. See the problem?
Every bot made its decisions based on where the other bots were currently located at the end of the last server frame, but only the first bot will actually attack against targets in those positions. By the time the last bot aims, every target had already spent 50 milliseconds moving. The first bot had 0 ms of latency and the last bot had 50 ms. Now 50 milliseconds isn't too bad, except the last bot was playing as if its latency was 0. That's why it missed around 10% more.
Since one of my original project constraints was that nothing would change in the server code, that meant that at least some bots had to play with 50 milliseconds of latency. There were no changes I could make to reduce this problem. So the solution was to add latency to all the bots. I wrote a feature into the AI core that tracked the positions of all players in the game for the last half second worth of updates or so, for all bots and all humans. Then if a bot needed to know where a target was, it looked up the properly lagged position and did basic extrapolation to guess where the target would be at the exact moment of attack.
Implementing this system gave all the bots very similar accuracies (within 1% due to the issue cyrri pointed out). But now the problem was that all bots the same accuracy as the worst bot, when they should have had the accuracy of the best bot. It turned out this "basic extrapolation" wasn't good enough. The original Quake 3 AI code used linear trajectories to estimate where a target would end up, nothing more sophisticated than that. So if a bot aimed at a target running to the bottom of a staircase, the bot would keep aiming up into the ground for a while, even though a human would know the target would move straight.
I tried some slightly more advanced solutions, doing basic collision checking against walls, but that didn't solve the problem of running down a ledge. I eventually concluded that humans have a learned sense of physics they take into account, and the bots would need that same sense if they were to play like humans. Solving this problem was both straightforward and time consuming.
I made an exact duplicate of the entire physics engine, modified it for prediction, and placed it in the AI code.
Every detail needed to be modeled-- friction, gravity, climbing up and down ledges, movement into and out of water. Even the force of gravity acting on a player on an inclined ledge. Everything had to be duplicated so that the bots could get that extra 10% accuracy in a human-like manner. It was not easy, and I learned far more than I wanted to know about modeling physics in a 3D environment. But in the end, it was worth it to see bots that could aim like humans.
Niiiiicceee. Well done, Ted.
Thanks! I didn't mention it in the post, but there was another perk of adding lag to all the bots. This lets you change the amount of lag each bot has, even at runtime if that's what you want. You can set bot lag up to 100 ms or even 250 and watch their accuracy decrease. Since the accuracies are pretty darn close to human accuracy, it's an interesting test of how much latency affects your ability to shoot correctly.
I remember running the tests a few year back out of curiosity but I don't remember the results. I think accuracy dropped a notable but not game breaking amount. Maybe around 4% or so going from 50 ms to 100 ms? Well, it's easy enough to test should anyone be interested.
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